Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Unusual Morning

These days while I'm not going into an office, getting myself ready for the day has become less of a priority than getting the family out of the house on time. Today that felt boring. Additionally, my whole body was in pain: a new spin class combined with day 5 of a cold. And the lovely day 3 of pink eye. 

While getting the kids their breakfast, one of them pulls out a drawer from the hall table. Keys, scissors and countless pins and needles scatter across the floor. I bring the kids in the kitchen, close the door, focus on making coffee. Kids decide to investigate. Mom warns. Mom threatens. Mom drags children back into kitchen. Child cries, won't eat breakfast. Sigh. Recover. Calmly help child to eat. Husband comes in and asks why coffee is not ready. It was supposed to be a joke. (Let's review: I don't feel well this morning.)

Next scene: Me sitting on my knees picking up pins and needles between sips of coffee her kind husband brought her. Now trying to put drawer into table. Not working. Trying patiently. Resolving to try a few more times before calling husband over to do it. CRASH! Ow. The frame of the wall mirror above the table is now encircling me. Large broken shards of mirror are on my lap and the floor and the drawer of pins and needles on my lap. Oh, and the hot coffee, yeah, it's all over me and the white carpet. 

Husband from the other room: what the hell...(unspoken but implied: ...have you done now?) Then as he sees me: are you OK? Me: I think so.

I step out of the wreckage and escort the children into the other part of the house. Close the door. Chuck bathrobe in dirty laundry. Rinse hair in case of broken glass. Try not to cry. Am thankful to hear husband vacuuming. Imagine telling friends over drinks about this as a funny story. Then, start day again, this time getting myself dressed for it.


Paige said...

all's well that ends well, I suppose.

(love that you are blogging so much!)

Sara said...


Well, at least I laughed while reading and sharing with others if you couldn't.

Hope your head is OK.