Saturday, September 19, 2009

Shout Out to the Hubby

This weekend D was a star. He spent most of his weekend day/night shopping for and cooking up a multi-course meal for my birthday that wasn't easy. Martha Stewart style...heavy on the 50 fresh ingredients just for the soup. He let me sleep in both mornings...til 11 today! He played scientist with the kids, catching a caterpillar and setting up a jar/terrarium for it, as well as maintaining the three tri-ops aquariums. Examining them all under the digital microscope camera on the t.v. Both the kids were thrilled. The night before, he had them also kicking around a soccer ball and playing baseball in the garden. Then tonight at a farewell dinner for his boss, the esteemed Middle East regional director, D gave an impressive speech that made his boss tear-up, as well as others in the audience, and made me very proud. And he hadn't prepared for it at all.

Needless to say, I've been feeling like one lucky girl.


Linda said...

I think we are all one lucky family to have your hubby as a part of it, too. What a sweet guy! Now don't forget his birthday in January.

Sara said...

Wow! How did we get our men? Was thinking the same thing Mom wrote - make sure you don't forget his birthday! That is something I would do. Tell David I am very impressed. Wish I could have been there to enjoy the fancy meal he prepared.

Paige said...

I went looking for the "Like" option for this post as if I were on Facebook.

I'll have to make my own.

Paige Wichman likes this.

Erin said...

Nice work, D. I'll have to treat him to a drink when he comes to Portland on your behalf.

Anonymous said...

And I am very proud to be his Mom!!

-- Gayle