Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Winter Garden


Linda said...

Oh, Katy, what beautiful photos!!!! It must smell fantastic too.

Everything is brown here - hot and no rain. Not even sure the leaves are going to survive long enough to for autumn colors.

Anonymous said...

It's dry here too so my garden isn't doing that well, especially since I've been gone so much this summer. Harvesting enough raspberries for my cereal each morning and tomatoes for our salads. The flowers are about shot for now. Your photos are beautiful -- some I recognize but others I don't. I love spring (early summer here) when the flowers are profuse. -- Gayle

Kate Rudder said...

It's very dry here, too, but we have a misty sprinkler system, and Herbert waters things some, too. I'll try to put up a dry/wet season photo of the garden to compare. In terms of food from the garden, it's pecans, avocados, lots of different lettuces, beets, leeks, spinach, limes, etc.