Tuesday, January 22, 2013

O Beautiful for Spacious Skies Everywhere

Mom wrote me on Inauguration Day, saying how patriotic she felt. I know what she means. I was listening to the news this morning, President Obama's speech, and all the nationalistic songs. It made me feel hopeful. It made me feel excited about the future of America and the world. I was singing "O Beautiful" as I made my lunch, and I was choking myself up! O Beautiful, the World! O Beautiful, Zimbabwe! O Beautiful, four more years of Barack Hussein Obama! O Beautiful, Americans who voted for him.

Because so much of my life, I have not felt proud or hopeful. Sure, there is a lot to be proud of, but living abroad, talking with people from different countries that experienced policies of American leaders in not nice ways, I have felt ashamed. And if I'm honest with myself, it bothered me. I was not a flag-waving American, hand over heart, pledging allegiance with a tear in my eye. I did not feel happy. I felt cynical. I wanted to love where I come from, who my people are, who I am - but the face of America did not represent me or things I believe.

But now? Did you know that healthcare reform passed? Did you hear the President speak with conviction on reducing gun violence? Just yesterday, did the leader of my country say that climate change is a real threat and that the US needs to take the lead in developing clean energy?

But we have always understood that when times change, so must we; that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges; that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.

He is preaching to the choir! Hello, community organizer, my brother! My fellow citizen!

They say expressing gratitude is good for your health and everyone else's, so I'm going to not be critical right now. I'm just going to soak this up and feel grateful. It's a pleasure.

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